SOLVED: Gitlab Downstream Project Could Not be Found

Last updated on 6 Sep, 2023

In my current e-commerce project, each main pages like home, plp, pdp etc are a separate project in itself. Each project has got a separate repo in Gitlab.

I was trying to have a core central Git repo, that controls of deployment of other repos. This helps in managing deployment from one location.

To implement the same, I tried Multi-project pipelines in Gitlab.

Linking Projects

In the parent / main repo, I have a .gitlab-ci.yml that has below contents:

  - deploy

Deploy to Dev:
  stage: deploy
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME =~ /^release\//
    project: company/group/home-page
    branch: dev

Deploy to QA:
  stage: deploy
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME =~ /^release\//
    project: company/group/home-page
    branch: qa

Above code is the final working yml file. When I started after reading the Gitlab documentation, I was giving only group/home-page as the project value. That resulted in error saying "failed-downstream project could not be found".

Downstream error

In my case, what I had to do was to give workspace name also. So when I gave the complete project path that comes after in the url, things started working.

So if your child Gitlab project repo url is, the value of project should be apple/iphone/operating-system.

There might be other reasons behind the error. But this is the solution that worked for me.

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Joby Joseph
Web Architect